Online English Tutoring
Hey, Go! is an online English conversation program, where anyone interested in learning English is welcome.
We take great pride in the fact that our lessons are NOT just customer service. When you come to Hey, Go! we will do our best to actually TEACH you something, in a way which works best with you.
For more information, please send us a message via the form just below, or visit our dedicated website www.heygo.jp for the full experience.

Online lessons,
Native speakers
Presentation skills
Daily diaries
Textbook & Book Club
40-minute online lessons with native English speakers.
Have on-call support for your Daily Diary English Entries via LINE app.
Make English a habit, even for 5-10 minutes a day.
Receive help and guidance from native English speakers with years of public speaking experience in order to practice making and delivering effective and memorable presentations.
Learn how to use books effectively with a native tutor who will help you increase your reading skills quickly.
Learn how to learn!
Request a FREE Level Check & Consultation